Preparing reflective mental health practitioners for diverse and challenging environments in Northern California

博彩平台网址大全心理咨询专业的文学硕士学位为学生提供心理咨询方面的教育基础,使他们为服务于文化多元化社会的心理健康专业做好准备, 评估, 发展, 研究方法, 道德实践, 精神药理学, 和成瘾, 在其他高级主题中. 该项目的学生在一个队列中学习课程,并在课堂上和实践中相互支持,成为自我反思的实践者, 研究人员, 和领导人.

请注意: This program format cannot support an I-20 for international student visas. 

Become a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor

太平洋咨询心理学硕士课程符合成为执业专业临床咨询师(LPCC)的教育要求。, 成为LPCCs的学生有一个令人兴奋和有益的机会,通过为那些有精神健康和药物滥用问题的人提供治疗和咨询,促进不同个人和群体的积极变化.






Learn about the Master of Arts in Education, Counseling Psychology from program lead, Dr. 贾斯汀低.

奖助金 & 奖学金

咨询心理学的学生通过我们在圣华金县通过行为劳动力项目提供的资助实习获得现实世界的经验. 有兴趣成为心理健康从业人员的学生可以在为圣华金地区服务的同时进一步发展他们的咨询技能. Other paid and volunteer practicum opportunities are also available in Sacramento, Stanislaus and Tuolumne counties as well as across the Bay Area.



EDUC 216: Nature and Conditions of Learning (3) Students study both cognitive and traditional learning theories, their applications to instruction and the 发展 of effective teaching strategies. 除了, information processing models are explored and their implications for instruction are addressed.

EDUC 387: Human Sexuality (1) This course reviews the basic anatomy, 性功能和反应, and challenges and disorders of sexual function. 临床医生在临床实践中最可能遇到的疾病的诊断配方和治疗方法也被提出. Finally, challenges and complexities of sexuality within special populations are reviewed.

总数:4 (4)


EDUC 201: Techniques of 研究 (3) Students study the various re搜索 methodologies that include qualitative, 描述性的, causal-comparative, 调查, 相关性和实验性. Emphasis is on learning to read and comprehend re搜索 published in professional journals. 内容包括了解如何基本的描述性和推理统计应用于解决定量研究问题.

EDUC 343: Psychopathology and 健康 Promotion (3) Psychopathology and 健康 Promotion. 3单位. This course will examine a variety of mental disorders from a variety of perspectives, 包括精神障碍的生物医学模型和诊断类别,同时强调社会文化观点和发展经验. 主要的治疗方法, 包括教育干预, 对于主要疾病也将包括在内, 以及对精神疾病进行初级和二级预防,并在公立学校和社区促进健康和精神健康.

EDUC 336:团体咨询(3)本课程使心理健康专业人员能够直接使用儿童团体咨询的方法和技术, 青少年, 成年人, 老年人.

EDUC 337:危机干预(3)本课程回顾咨询理论和基本的倾听和反应技巧,并将其与危机咨询实践进行对比. 报告还审查了预防教育失败的初级和二级预防以及促进健康和心理健康的各种方案方法. The focus is on the enhancement of individual and family competence following a crisis event. The course explores the underlying knowledge base, 实施预防的模式, specific examples of techniques and programs designed to intervene before, 在危机博彩平台网址大全排名期间和之后. Also covered is policy questions, and evaluation issues. Specific attention is given to concepts of stress, coping, and resiliency. 自杀预防等项目, 危机干预, 毒品和酒精教育, 性教育, 防止虐待儿童, and others are closely examined and criticized.

总数:12 (16)


EDUC 202:统计思维与沟通(3)本课程的目标是回顾基本的描述性统计,并巩固学生对教育研究中常用的推理技术的理解. Students will learn how to conduct appropriate statistical analyses, interpreting output produced by SPSS statistical software. Students will gain confidence in reading results sections of journal articles and learn to communicate using statistical terminology. Analysis of results sections of journal articles will demonstrate that the student can recognize situations, for which various statistical techniques are applicable, explain the reasoning underlying the choice of those techniques, 解释结果, 并批判性地评估作者的结论是否符合所进行的数据分析和所提供的统计信息. Students are expected to learn the power of statistical analysis.

EDUC 335: Psychotherapeutic Interventions (3) This course provides an overview of counseling and psychotherapeutic theories, 原则, 和技术, including the counseling process in a multi文化 society, 健康和预防导向, counseling theories to assist in the selection of appropriate counseling interventions, models of counseling consistent with current professional re搜索 and practice, and the 发展 of a personal model of counseling.

EDUC 342:法律与职业道德(3)这门课程是为人类服务和心理健康专业的证书和许可研究生课程的学生设计的. 除了学习相关的法律法规和现有的道德行为准则外,学生还将学习道德决策的方法.

本课程通过学习夫妻和家庭治疗的主要理论,使心理健康临床医生能够评估夫妻和家庭的功能,并设计和实施干预措施. 本课程还准备心理健康临床医生,以帮助家庭与帮助机构合作,以改善儿童的福祉.

总数:12 (28)


EDUC 349:精神药理学(3)本课程探讨主要类别的精神药物在生理和行为上的作用, including therapeutic agents and drugs of abuse, 作用机制, 副作用, 对胎儿的影响, and collaborating with other health and mental health professionals and families. The main focus of this course is on psychoactive anxiety disorders, 精神分裂症, 药物滥用.

EDUC 385:酒精中毒和化学物质滥用依赖(3)本课程描述了最常被滥用的物质,以及滥用和成瘾的迹象,以及最有效的治疗原则和治疗技术.

EDUC 386: Child Abuse Assessment and Reporting (1) This course provides information on identifying, 评估, 报告虐待和忽视儿童, including the laws governing mandated reporting. This course also covers prevention and 治疗 of child abuse and neglect.

EDUC 384: Spousal/Partner Abuse Detection and Intervention (1) This course addresses the causes, 评估, 治疗, statistics and legal issues concerning intimate partner violence.

总数:8 (36)


EDUC 346:心理评估(3)本课程培养心理健康专业人员在解决问题的过程中使用心理测试和评估信息, and to use data-based decision making to improve outcomes for instruction, 认知和学术技能的发展, 以及生活能力的发展. Students will also be exposed to process and procedures identified in referral and state laws related to special education services.

EDUC 338:咨询方法(3)本课程帮助学校心理学家为学校工作人员和家长提供心理健康咨询. Various consultation methodologies will be studied with applications particularly appropriate to children in the public school system.


总数:9 (45)


EDUC 393:高级心理治疗技术(3) 

EDUC 330: Human Development (3)  This course focuses on the 发展al period of early childhood 发展. The course examines theoretical and re搜索-based knowledge of the influences of biological, 社会, 情感, 文化, 少数民族, 经验, 社会经济, 与性别有关, and linguistic factors in children’s 发展.

EDUC 348: Neuropsychology (3) This course provides a general overview of: brain-based behavior; neuroanatomy and physiology; conceptualizing psychoeducational and psychological 评估 data from a neuropsychological perspective; the effects and uses of psychotropic agents; and information on neuropathology.



总数:12 (57)


EDUC 393:职业咨询(3)

总数:3 (60)






